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AOA Code of Ethics

Click here to view the AOA Code of Ethics on the AOA website.

aoa-logo-square.jpg美国整骨疗法协会(AOA)的道德规范是一份适用于所有在整个职业生涯中从事整骨疗法的医生的文件, 从入读骨科医学院/学校到研究生培训和骨科医学实践. It embodies principles that serve as a guide to the prudent physician. It seeks to transcend the economic, political, and religious biases, when dealing with patients, fellow physicians, and society. 它在性质上是灵活的,以便允许AOA考虑所有情况, both anticipated and unanticipated. 医患关系和医生的专业精神是本文件的基础.

专科医师协会制定本守则,以指导其医师会员的专业生活. 所提出的标准旨在解决骨科医生对患者的道德和专业责任, to society, to the AOA, to others involved in healthcare and to self.

Further, 美国医师协会采取的立场是,医生应在医学伦理的发展和指导中发挥主要作用.

Section 1. 医生在履行专业职责过程中所了解到的病人的任何情况,都必须保密. 在法律要求或患者授权的情况下,医生应披露信息.

Section 2. 医生应当向病人或者负责照顾病人的人如实说明病人的病情.

Section 3. 医患关系必须建立在相互信任、合作和尊重的基础上. The patient, therefore, must have complete freedom to choose her/his physician. 医生必须有完全的自由来选择她/他将服务的病人. However, 医生不应以歧视为理由拒绝接受病人, including, but not limited to, the patient's race, creed, color, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. In emergencies, a physician should make her/his services available.

Section 4 A physician is never justified in abandoning a patient. 当医生退出个案,以便聘请另一名医生时,必须适当通知病人或负责照顾病人的人.

Section 5. 医生应尽合理努力与病人合作,促进他们的健康,并应按照与治疗艺术有关的系统化和科学知识体系进行实践. 医生应通过学习和临床应用,保持对这种系统化和科学知识的能力.

Section 6. 整骨疗法医学专业对社会有义务保持其高标准和, therefore, to continuously regulate itself. 这种监管在很大程度上要归功于公认的当地机构的努力和影响, 代表整骨疗法医学专业的州和国家协会. 医师应保持会员资格并积极支持这些协会,并遵守其规章制度.

Section 7. Under the law a physician may advertise, 但是,医师不得直接或者间接地利用虚假、误导的事项或者活动向患者宣传、招揽.

Section 8. 除非医生在其执业的州或其他司法管辖区实际上是根据该学位获得执业许可,否则医生不得陈述或表明拥有任何被认为是执业治疗艺术执照基础的学位. 医师应在其姓名的所有专业用途中标明其专业学位. Indications of specialty practice, membership in professional societies, 及有关事宜须受美国整骨疗法协会颁布的规则规管.

Section 9. 医生应该毫不犹豫地寻求咨询,只要她/他认为这是在病人的最佳利益.

Section 10. 在医生之间或医生之间涉及道德或组织问题的任何争议中, 有争议的事项应首先提交有关的专业仲裁机构.

Section 11. 在医生之间或医生之间对病人的诊断和治疗的任何争议, the attending physician has the responsibility for final decisions, consistent with any applicable hospital rules or regulations.

Section 12. 医师收取的费用应当补偿医师实际提供的服务. There shall be no division of professional fees for referrals of patients.

Section 13. A physician shall respect the law. 必要时,医生应尝试通过一切适当手段帮助制定法律,以改善病人护理和公众健康.

Section 14. In addition to adhering to the foregoing ethical standards, 医生应认识到参与社区活动和服务的责任.

Section 15. 医生与任何有医患关系的病人发生性接触被认为是性行为不端的行为.

Section 16. Sexual harassment by a physician is considered unethical. 性骚扰被定义为在工作场所或学术环境中涉及同事或下属的性行为的身体或语言暗示, when such conduct creates an unreasonable, intimidating, hostile or offensive workplace or academic setting.

Section 17. From time to time, 行业可能会向一些AOA会员提供礼品,以诱使其使用其产品或服务. Members who use these products and services as a result of these gifts, 而不仅仅是为了改善他们的病人和改善他们在实践中提供的护理, shall be considered to have acted in an unethical manner.

Section 18. 医生不得以任何方式故意歪曲其本人或其研究工作.

SECTION 19. When participating in research, a physician shall follow the current laws, regulations and standards of the United States or, if the research is conducted outside the United States, the laws, 研究所在国家适用于研究的法规和标准. 本标准适用于任何级别和责任程度的医生参与研究, including, but not limited to, research, design, funding, participation either as examining and/or treating provider, supervision of other staff in their research, analysis of data and publication of results in any form for any purpose.​​

This document was last updated July 24, 2016.