



The LMU-CVM offers a wide range of experiences for CVM students in both paid and volunteer research positions. If you would like more information regarding any of the research opportunities at LMU-CVM offers, 请联系 乔伊摩根.


  •   学生研究助理(sra)

    The SRA program at LMU-CVM offers veterinary students an opportunity to on research projects at LMU-CVM’s Harrogate and Ewing campuses. Providing our students opportunities to experience a rich biomedical research environment is a priority of our school. Students will acquire skill sets to (1) critically evaluate research papers, (2) define and formulate research questions, (3)制定一个可检验的假设, (4) test a hypothesis using standardized techniques, (5) troubleshoot and consider alternative approaches to problems, (6)分析结果, and (7) effectively communicate research findings. Students will attend lectures/seminars on bioethics, 研究方法, 研究职业道路, and current topics in veterinary research. Students will receive mandatory training in biosafety, 实验室最佳实践, blood-borne pathogens and chemical hazards. 除了, coaching in poster preparation/presentation, public speaking and manuscript writing will be provided. Students may present their findings at local or regional conferences. If you are interested in working as an SRA, 请联系 principal investigators (PIs) for more information about available projects and SRA positions. All SRAs in summer research positions are expected to present results of there project at the annual LMU-CVM Phi Zeta 研究 Day held each fall. Depending on the SRAs contribution to the project, the student may be asked to co-author resulting publications.

  •   学生研究志愿者

    Student research volunteers have no specified time commitment to a project and will not receive any stipend. This position provides students work experience in a research setting and allows them an opportunity to determine if they would like to pursue further research opportunities.


    The University of Kentucky Summer 研究 Program provides and opportunity for students at the 兽医学院 at Lincoln Memorial University to work in collaboration with the University of Kentucky in a research laboratory either at the Maxwell Gluck Equine 研究 Center or the UK Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory during the summer. The objective of this program is to provide veterinary students with concentrated research training opportunities during the summer semester. Students will perform full-time research under the supervision of faculty mentors at the University of Kentucky Gluck Equine 研究 Center and Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, participating in all activities of their host laboratories. Students will be exposed to all aspects of research, including formulation of a hypothesis, 实验设计, 进行实验研究, 数据分析, and presentation of results in various formats (oral, 海报及手稿). Students may present their findings at local or regional conferences, 包括LMU-CVM研究日. 潜在的实验室包括, 病理学的研究领域, 寄生虫学, 传染病与生殖.



    The Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Scholars Program (BIVSP) at LMU-CVM aims to provide veterinary students with a concentrated research-training program during the summer, allowing them to gain insight on career opportunties in biomedical research. Student perform full-time research under the supervision of their faculty mentors and participate in all activities of their host laboratories. 点击这里 了解更多.


    The CDC offers numerous opportunties for students through a variety of programs. These programs allow for invaluable experiences and potentially offer clear-cut paths to exciting careers at the CDC. For more information about the CDC student programs, please visit the CDC's website Pathways for Students and Graduates.