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The College of Dental Medicine (CDM) at Lincoln Memorial University recognizes the value and importance of research and scholarly activities in dental education. Accordingly, LMU-DCOM has committed resources to ensure that both students and faculty have access to research opportunities and to promote successful research programs that contribute to advancements in the areas of prevention, control, and treatment of diseases. In addition, LMU-CDM seeks to develop collaborations with other colleges within LMU as well as external entities to further these research goals.


Personnel Support

LMU-CDM employs multiple individuals with expertise and talents that provide assistance and guidance in the initiation and execution of faculty and student research projects. LMU-CDM研究副院长负责监督和指导LMU-CDM教师进行的研究活动, staff, 并负责研究相关政策的沟通和管理. The Director of Health Sciences Research and Grants leads and supports the seeking of funds for research and scholarly initiatives. Research Specialists are available to help faculty with gathering information and data for their current research initiatives, 协助准备研究拨款申请, 并调解社区外展研究. 此外,生物统计学家在工作人员协助研究设计和生物统计分析.


在LMU数学与自然科学大楼, approximately 4,700平方英尺的实验室空间被指定用于教师和学生的实验研究. 这些设备包括质谱, 快速蛋白质液相色谱法, 高压液相色谱法, quantitative PCR equipment, 还有现代分子生物学和组织培养设备. In addition, 显微镜室位于曼斯大学大楼的一楼,占地1平方米,900 sq. ft. of space. 该设施配有样品制备设备, light microscopes, 以及最先进的扫描电子显微镜, 以及透射电子显微镜(TEM).

Financial support

在LMU-CDM年度预算范围内, 基金是专门为支持研究活动而指定的. Included in these funds is money designated for two separate competitive student research fellowships: the Summer Research Fellowship and the Basic Science Research Fellowship. There are also competitive Intramural Grants available to the faculty that are intended to provide seed money to initiate research projects that are likely to lead to successful external funding applications in the future. In addition, financial support is available to cover reasonable costs associated with travel to a professional meeting for students or faculty members who have an abstract accepted for presentation.

LMU Research Policies

At the institutional level, 澳门威尼斯人赌城有一个活跃的学术活动委员会(COSA),其工作是“促进, Assess and Enhance University Wide Research; Consider University Wide Research Issues and Recommend Research Policy to the Vice President of Academic Affairs". LMU-CDM研究副院长作为LMU-CDM的代表在该委员会任职.


The University Vice President of Academic Affairs also provides administrative oversight to the LMU 研究资助和资助项目办公室(ORGSP). The ORGSP is dedicated to providing the supportive infrastructure needed to increase the overall number and types of externally funded grants and ensure the proper management and oversight of new and established awards that fully represent the mission statement and historical integrity of Lincoln Memorial University. ORGSP维护管理LMU所有实体的研究和学术活动相关政策, including LMU-CDM. 在ORGSP的指导下, 院校覆核委员会, 机构动物护理和使用委员会, 和机构生物和化学安全委员会(IBCSC)确保所有活动遵守相关的联邦法规, state, and local regulations.


确保可能参与研究和培训项目的每个人受到保护, 院校覆核委员会 reviews all research projects involving human subjects and confirms their compliance with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) regulations for the protection of human subjects (45 Code of Federal Regulations 46) and relevant FDA, VA, 州和地方法规. A LMU-CDM faculty member is appointed to the LMU Institutional Review Board (IRB) and provides a representation of LMU-CDM on this committee.


The mission of the 机构动物护理和使用委员会 is to assure the well-being and proper care of all vertebrate animals used for research and educational purposes at Lincoln Memorial University. It serves the public by ensuring institutional compliance with all legal and ethical standards regarding the use of animals in research. LMU-CDM教师通过在该委员会任职提供代表.


The Institutional Biological and Chemical Safety Committee (IBCSC) is the cornerstone of institutional oversight on research involving biological materials and chemicals. 所有涉及病原体的研究项目, recombinant DNA, 或高腐蚀性化学品接受IBCSC的审查. 目前,有两名LMU-CDM教员在该委员会任职.

LMU-CDM Research Policies

除了管理LMU研究和学术活动的制度规定之外, LMU-CDM has established additional policies and procedures to provide oversight and to support the research and scholarly activities of its faculty and students.


The mission of the LMU-CDM研究及资助委员会 is to consider all matters pertaining to initiation of research projects, prioritizing, funding, 评估及审核拨款申请, 确定LMU-CDM的资助机会和社区项目. 这些事项包括, 但不会局限于教师的基础科学研究, clinical research, drug trials, 国内和国际的财团项目, 以及与三州地区成员合作的面向社区的研究. This committee is chaired by the Associate Dean for Research and consists of LMU-CDM faculty members from the basic sciences, oral health sciences, 以及临床口腔健康科学.


LMU-CDM已经制定了以研究或学术活动为标准的教师晋升指导方针. 这些指导方针是由代表LMU-CDM教员大会的LMU-CDM教员执行委员会撰写的.

鼓励有兴趣发起研究项目的教师首先准备一份研究计划. 提案应包括标题, Goal, Hypothesis, Methods, 完成项目的时间表. A preliminary budget specifying costs of materials and equipment required for completion of the project should also be included in order to provide an estimated total cost of the project. This proposal should be presented to the faculty member's supervisor or department chair for review and to discuss any release time that may be required for the project. If desired, the faculty member may submit completed proposals to the LMU-CDM研究及资助委员会 for critical evaluation and feedback.

如果拟议的项目涉及使用人类受试者, 然后,必须向LMU机构审查委员会(IRB)提交人体受试者研究IRB申请。. 涉及动物研究的项目必须提交给LMU机构动物护理和使用委员会(IACUC)。. 如果项目需要使用生物危险品, toxic, 或其他受控试剂/物质, 机构生物和化学安全委员会(IBCSC)的审查是必需的.
